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LUGBulk 2018 meddelande till LEGO

Startat av Anders67, 23 september 2018 kl. 18:45

Föregående ämne - Nästa ämne


Detta skrev jag till LEGO på LAN'et efter helgens LUGBulk sortering.
Jag hoppas att de åtminstånne funderar på att hitta en lösning på problemet med saknade volymer.
De bitar jag vägde resulterade t.ex på 12900 bitar så saknades det på slutet ca 600, vilket innebar att de som beställt 400, 500,600 och 1000, fick ca 50 färre i sin påse. Det är inte OK men vad gör man!

Swebrick made this years LUGbulk sorting event with 36 members traveling up to 6 hous to help out with the sorting.

We use counter scales with high quality and sadly we also experienced many lots that had missing pieces, some even on 1000+, some had a very small surplus.

Feedback conclusion

We are of course greatful to have this service, but we as a LUG is responsible for our members money and when there is missing pieces it will not ony become a lot of extra work but also extra cost of re-distributing the missing elements.

I have been involved in LUGbulk since 2012 and there has been elements missing in the past but the "normal" 2-5% extra allways made it possible to find a compensation and for those who helped out during sorting got the surplus as a small token of appriciation and "compensation" for the work and travelcost.

LEGO we love you, sinserly, but please let us have a 2-5% extra for free so we can minimize this extra work for all parties!


Tycker det var väldigt bra skrivet.
Lego är avkoppling.

Technic är livet.


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